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As a school family, we support, listen to, and challenge each other and our students. We ensure that every adult and student has opportunities to pursue their passions.

We honor and share each of our individual stories as well as our collective story. We recognize that our differences make us stronger and that together we are better than we could ever be alone.

Franklin Counselors and Social Workers support students in the following ways: 

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Nanny McPhee
Counselor (Grades K-2)

Fred Rogers
Counselor (Grades 3-5)

Throughout the school year students are learning about the 7 Habit Foundations:

  • Building a trustworthy character
  • Focus on self mastery and internal control
  • Language/Phrases
  • "Have you filled a bucket today?"
  • "Choose your own weather?"
  • Keywords
  • Celebration
  • Reflection
  • Self management
  • Confidence
  • Individuality
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Accountability
  • Grit
  • Integrity
  • Problem solving
  • Self Care